5 Recruitment Strategies for Construction Companies
Since the unemployment rate dipped below 4%, hiring managers have looked to improve their recruitment strategies for construction companies. There are 7.1 million open jobs in the United States as of the end of August. Roughly 273,000 of the open jobs were construction industry jobs. Not to mention that the median age for a construction worker is 43 years old, and a fifth of the work force is over the age of 55. Construction companies have to step up their recruitment strategies to bring in more laborers and meet the growing demands.
Plan Ahead
One of the top recruitment strategies for construction companies is to plan ahead. Construction companies should know if their business is picking up, or change is happening. Construction companies should also look at the upcoming project schedules to ensure they have enough laborers, managers, and staff for all upcoming projects. Companies have more fruitful searches when they have time to do a complete search. When companies have a strict hiring deadline, they tend to hire the first available person rather than the most qualified person. Planning ahead isn’t stressful or difficult and with these easy steps, can help improve the overall quality of new hires.
Review old data – reviewing past performance data can reveal key insights. Are workers pulled from new projects to finish older projects regularly? How quickly can the back office staff process payroll? Who is the point person on all new technologies? How long does it take to implement changes? These questions reveal a lot about who you need to hire.
Speak to heads of staff – talk to the heads of staff every quarter about the operating budget and what they need. They will know where people are most needed.
Clean Job Descriptions
After determining needed positions, the company must write the job description and set internal minimum requirements. One of the recruitment strategies for construction companies is to present clear job descriptions for potential candidates. It seems simple, but it is a big cause in poor candidates. Here are some tips for building a job description.
List the Exact Skills Needed for the Position – These should carry over to the job description. If this isn’t listed, it will be hard for applicants to gauge whether they’re right for the position. However, on the opposite end is listing all the skills that the company wants. Many companies will list a position as entry level but require 10 years of experience. List all necessary skills, not all preferred skills.
List the Duration – it’s important to list whether it’s a full-time or part-time position, as well as whether it’s seasonal or permanent. Without this knowledge, companies could receive all the wrong candidates.
Required Qualifications – This is where businesses should put the required qualifications for the position. These are qualifications that without, the candidate couldn’t perform their job.
Recruiting Where the Candidates Are
One reason why some companies receive fewer applications is that they often times don’t advertise the open position on the right sites. Different candidates will look at different sites. So companies either have to post the job on many sites or select the few that will help the most. Here are some recruitment strategies for construction companies looking to post their open positions.
Employment Websites – depending on the position, LinkedIn, Indeed and other similar sites can be great places to list open jobs. Using historical data, a hiring manager can determine which sites produced the best-qualified candidates and invest more resources into those platforms.
Social Media – Social media is a growing platform for recruiting. About two-thirds of adults use social media, and most check it several times a day. Depending on the desired demographic, some platforms are better to post on than others.
Referrals – Referrals can be a handy tool when it comes to looking for candidates. Something as simple as current employees posting open jobs to their social media can help a construction company find candidates.
One of the easiest recruitment strategies for construction companies is to partner with the local colleges to offer internships and apprenticeships. By providing internships and apprenticeships, companies can train qualified workers. Companies benefit from an internship program because they get to see who the best workers are, and who fits in with the existing team.
Benefiting students – Internships and apprenticeships benefit students. Often the students are getting paid to both learn and work.
Benefiting businesses – Businesses with an internship program can select the best student or students to join the team. This gives students a sense of security when they leave school because they know they have a job.
Benefiting schools – Schools want to have a high employment rate. They need their students to have jobs after college to prove that the school’s program benefits students. By partnering with the school, schools know that their students get real-life experience that looks good on a resume.
Other Factors to Consider
The labor market is tight right now. Construction companies are battling tech, medical, and other industries for the same pools of talent. Only the best recruitment strategies for construction companies will help companies fill open positions. While these strategies should help companies find top talent, companies find acquiring that talent also to be a challenge. Since the labor market is tight, applicants have a lot of power. Depending on their age group each is looking for something a little different by way of benefits and path. Younger workers seem to prefer places with a clear path upwards, while older workers might want the ability to go to functions for their kids.
These benefits and paths are essential to consider when looking for workers. Workers will choose the company that offers them the best benefits or best mobility. Construction companies need to consider what they’re offering versus not just other construction companies, but against other local jobs.
Construction companies have to use their best strategies to ensure that they fill their positions. Companies benefit when they plan for open positions, provide clear job descriptions, and post in locations where candidates are likely to look. These tips should help any company build a successful recruitment strategy.
Guest content provided by eSub Construction Software.