8 Reasons Why You Need to Have Annual Plumbing Checks
Running a business can be a daunting feat. New problems will catch you off-guard and sometimes all you can really do is take the bull by the horns, and hope that everything will return to normal. Even a short business interruption can mean losing thousands of dollars!
A business owner keeps an eye on the different aspects of the business and more often than not, overlooks the plumbing system. Yeah, yeah, big deal. Well, I hate to rain on your successful business parade but without a regular plumbing check, you could end up paying loads of money for plumbing services, and also affect your employees’ performance at the same time. Can you imagine having to work from nine to five with a pungent odor from your leaking water lines or toilets being clogged up? Yup, not good. So here are 8 reasons why you need to have annual plumbing checks so your establishments are in top-flight shape.
1. Detect Leaks
Leaks are like little snakes in the grass. They’re very hard to locate and the causes are varied. And the moment you find leaks, almost always, a monumental amount of damage has been done to the establishment’s walls, ceilings, or floors! Consequently, you’ll have to pay for fixing the major and minor cracks due to leaks.
2. Check Water and Sewer Lines
The pipes for your water and sewer lines inevitably get worn-out over time. These can cause extreme damages in the foundation of your building. The worst case scenario is when you’ll have to open up the slabs if water has accumulated due to leaks. And this means having to stop everybody from working so plumbers can do their work smoothly.
3. Inspect All Plumbing Fixtures
Most establishment’s plumbing fixtures are always neglected like the showers, basins, sinks, toilets, and the like. Sometimes a simple tightening of loose fittings can save you a lot of money on your water bill. By making sure to inspect these fixtures regularly, you’re assured of not having unexplained water bills each month.
4. Avoid Clogged Drains
The worst part of a neglected plumbing system is having your drains clogged. A clogged drain implies that some elements are there, which shouldn’t be, that is causing the blockage. These could be due to water waste from toilets, soil water, or even the grease poured in kitchen sinks.
5. Check the Septic System
Septic tanks, no matter how small or big, should always be checked and pumped regularly. Have your plumbers check if the tanks are excellent once a year and pumping can be done once every 2 to 3 years. Another downside of not adhering to septic system plumbing checks is health issues from bacteria build-up.
6. Examine if Boilers are in Good Shape
In colder countries, commercial boilers are considered as gems during the winter season. Don’t neglect your building’s boilers because you might not be able to take advantage of it when winter rolls in. Always have them checked before winter arrives.
7. Ensure Safety
It’s very important to always prioritize you and other people’s safety at all times. The last thing you want to have is a disastrous plumbing issue in the middle of your business affairs.
8. You’ll Have Peace of Mind
As a business owner, being free from constant worries is what you should aim for. The lesser the worries, the lesser the stress. And the more you stick to your regular plumbing checks, the lesser your plumbing system will come crumbling down on you when you least expect it.
Leanne Brooks is a passionate blogger who loves to write about home designs, home renovation ideas, and home improvement. She is currently working for AAA City Plumbing, which offers emergency repairs, system installation, preventative maintenance, drain cleaning, septic pumping and more in Charlotte and Rock Hill.