A M King Employees in Charlotte Participate in Community Cycling Event to Benefit Cancer Patients
Team A M King, sponsored by Charlotte-based A M King, participated in the 24 Foundation‘s 17th Annual 24 Hours of Booty community cycling event to benefit cancer survivorship and patient programs. On the last Saturday in July, a total of 26 A M King employees, relatives, friends and clients joined the 1,112 riders and 134 walkers from 23 states on the hot and steamy Booty Loop, a 3-mile course through Charlotte’s Myers Park.
Team A M King riders included our newest employees, a 12-year company veteran and many folks in between.
“I had a close friend in high school who died of leukemia, so he is a big reason why I ride,” explained Garrison Hurd, a senior at UNC Charlotte and an A M King project engineer intern. “It’s great to see the huge turnout every year and how much this cause means to people all over the country. I plan to participate every year.”
Barbara Harris, an A M King project assistant who will soon be celebrating her second anniversary with a new heart, rode with Team A M King this year for the first time. “I rode to prove to myself that I could do it, but also for those who have helped me heal and get where I am today. It was an inspiring event for people of all skill levels benefiting great organizations.”
The record-breaking event raised more than $1.8 million that will aid cancer survivors, patients and their families. Beneficiaries include Levine Cancer Institute, Levine Children’s Hospital, and the Livestrong Foundation.
About A M King
A M King is an integrated Design-Build firm based in Charlotte, N.C. that consistently and successfully delivers quality projects throughout the United States. With an experienced team committed to protecting clients’ assets, the company provides design and engineering, construction, facility services and property consulting in the sectors of food distribution, food processing, industrial manufacturing, commercial and healthcare properties. A M King’s exemplary track record demonstrates that the company is focused on its mission to be the best in the industry.
About 24 Foundation
24 Foundation, formerly known as 24 Hours of Booty, has evolved from one man to a national foundation aiding in the revolution of cancer navigation and survivorship. To date, the organization has raised more than $21 million to support its mission.