ABC Carolinas Announces 2020 Safety Conference Theme: Making it Personal
ABC Carolinas announced its 2020 Safety Conference will be held on Friday, February 28, 2020 from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Great Wolf Lodge in Concord, N.C.
ABC Carolinas leadership notes that the Making it Personal was chosen as the theme “Because at the end of the day, everyone should go home.”
The invitation reads, “This event is NOT just for Safety professionals. We invite ANYONE in your company to attend as the content will be applicable for everyone. Please forward this information to your PMs, VPs, HR & field personnel.”
When & Where
Friday February 28th, 2020
Great Wolf Lodge, Concord, NC – Hotel group code: 2002ASSO_001
ABC Carolinas encourages attendees to bring their families and make a weekend of it.
7:00 – 7:45am: Registration & Breakfast
Keynote Session: “Suicide in Construction” – Presented by Dr. Larry Raymond – Atrium Health.
Did you know the construction industry is the #1 highest group in suicides each year? Come learn more about why AND how we can work together to bring this statistic down.
Tragedy Strikes…Now What? Presented by Chris Murray – Granite Insurance.
Get an inside look into one of the most important tools to help you and your family get through the worst case scenario. Understand what Workers Compensation means to an employer, an employee, and their families.
Panel: Safety at All Levels – Listen to a group of construction employees from various levels discuss how they promote and reward safety within their companies. How do you instill a culture of safety?
Best Practices Roundtable Discussion – Share and network with each other on what your company is doing and get ideas for new initiatives.
Leaving a Legacy… Mentoring Craft Professionals – presented by Katrina Kersch & Ryan Wilder – NCCER.
Mentoring relationships elevate the skills and abilities of others through the transference of knowledge and experiential advice. They have always been an essential part of craft training and apprenticeship programs. Today, when many crafts are experiencing shortages of skilled craft professionals, mentoring programs have come to the forefront as a valuable tool to leverage the most important asset in the construction workforce, the experienced craft professional.
1:30pm: STEP Awards
Click here to register now!