ABC Carolinas Hosts Reception for Bob Morgan, New CEO of SC Chamber
ABC Carolinas (ABCC) hosted a welcome reception and dinner for the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce’s new CEO Bob Morgan and his wife Meg at Halls Chophouse in Columbia on Wednesday, June 16. The event was well-attended by representatives of ABC Carolinas’ Board of Directors, industry leaders from member companies operating in both South Carolina and North Carolina, and other guests tied to the construction industry.
“I see many synergies between ABC Carolinas and the South Carolina Chamber,” said Amy Hicks, ABC Carolinas President and CEO. “We’re excited to have Bob as our Convention keynote in August and look forward to future collaborations.”
Bob Morgan is scheduled to give the keynote address on Thursday, August 19 at the ABC Carolinas (ABCC) Annual Construction Conference scheduled for August 18-20, 2021, at the Marriott Myrtle Beach Resort & Spa at Grande Dunes Resort. The three-day, Jimmy Buffet-themed event will deliver a mixture of engaging speakers, compelling content, fun socials and industry networking.
See full program and register here.