ABC Carolinas Urges NC & SC Governors and Lawmakers to Keep Jobsites Open and Workforce Employed
Associated Builders and Contractors of the Carolinas’ (ABC Carolinas) distributed the following communication to its members today, March 23, 2020:
“In an effort to support our valued ABC membership and industry, ABC Carolinas’ Board has sent the following letters to our North and South Carolina Governors, Lt. Governors as well as to House and Senate leadership to request the construction industry be deemed “essential” during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please reach out to your local representative to support our efforts in ensuring the construction industry can keep jobsites open and its workforce employed during these unprecedented times. ” – Chris Bullard, Director of Government Affairs, ABC Carolinas.
Click Here to view the NC Letter to Governor Cooper.
Click Here to view the SC Letter to Governor McMaster.
Questions? Please contact Chris Bullard at bullard@abccarolinas.org.