Addressing the Talent Challenge in Construction
It is not a secret that the construction industry is facing a number of challenges when it comes to attracting, developing and retaining talent. The industry is struggling to attract and retain skilled workers, which is leading to delays and increased costs on projects. This shortage is due to a number of factors, including an aging workforce, lack of training and education programs, the industry’s image and competition from other industries.
According to ABC’s proprietary workforce shortage model, the construction industry will need to attract an estimated 546,000 additional workers on top of the normal pace of hiring in 2023 to meet the demand for labor.
“The construction industry must recruit hundreds of thousands of qualified, skilled construction professionals each year to build the places where we live, work, play, worship, learn and heal,” said Michael Bellaman, ABC president and CEO. “As the demand for construction services remains high, filling these roles with skilled craft professionals is vital to America’s economy and infrastructure rebuilding initiatives.”
This month’s GroundBreak Corner focuses on solutions including reaching students as young as middle school, developing and implementing mentoring programs and understanding generational differences.
One ABC Carolinas (ABCC) member company is doing something about the workforce challenges by participating in efforts to reach middle school kids and introduce them to construction through ABC’s “Build-It” Explorer’s Club program, a partnership with the local Boy Scouts Council. In 2022, Sara Downing, CPSM, Director of Business Development for Clancy & Theys Construction, was singled out as ABCC’s Workforce Development Champion. GroundBreak’s Q&A with Sara provides an overview of the Explorer’s Club and how it is addressing a critical need for the industry.
Another critical key of talent development is mentoring. As the construction industry faces unprecedented talent challenges, mentoring needs to be an intentional process and a strategic imperative. Leaders of construction firms need to understand the benefits of mentoring in the construction industry and the best practices for building successful mentorship relationships. Mentoring in Construction: Benefits and Best Practices provides a playbook for developing and implementing a mentoring plan.
Another key strategy is understanding the difference between generations working in the construction industry. Understanding Zoomers: What Drives Then and Their Impact on the Future explores the key attributes of Zoomers and how your company can provide a more productive environment.
What is your firm doing to attract, develop and retain talent? Contact GroundBreak and share your story.