CAGC Announces Safety Award Winners at 2022 Summer Conference
Carolinas AGC is pleased to announce the winners of the 2021 Safety Awards. This year, 65 members submitted their data taken from the company 2020 OSHA 300 log. Of these entrants, 50 firms qualified to be recognized for awards.
Award Categories
- Presidential (no lost time accidents)
- Merit (75% below the national average for the category of construction performed)
- Achievement (below the national average for construction performed)
Each firm entering the program receives a score card detailing how their company compares to other entries from CAGC and nationally. Carolinas AGC provides an award certificate for their 2021 achievements and firms who have participated in the program for at least three consecutive years will also receive a certificate from AGC of America. The awards were distributed at the 2022 CAGC Summit and Expo in Hilton Head, South Carolina.
2021 Safety Award Winners
- Abatemaster LLC, Presidential
- APAC-Atlantic Inc./ Thompson Arthur Division, Presidential
- Archer Western Construction, LLC, Achievement
- B.R.S Inc, Presidential
- Balfour Beatty Infrastructure, Inc- SE Division, Presidential
- Barnhill Contracting Company, Presidential
- Bordeaux Construction Co. Inc, Presidential
- Branch Civil Inc, Achievement
- Bruce Allen Construction Company, Presidential
- Carmel Contractors Inc, Presidential
- Choate Construction Company, Presidential
- Clancy & Theys Construction Company, Presidential
- Crowder Constructors Inc, Achievement
- Daniels and Daniels Construction Company, Inc, Presidential
- Edison Foard Inc, Presidential
- Faulconer Construction Company, Inc, Achievement
- Fred Smith Company, Presidential
- Group III Management Inc, Presidential
- H&M Constructors, Presidential
- Harper General Contractors, Presidential
- Harris Steel Erectors Inc., Presidential
- Heyworth Plumbing Co Inc, Presidential
- Hood Construction Company Inc, Presidential
- Hoopaugh Grading Company, Presidential
- J Smith Civil, LLC, Presidential
- J.L. Construction Company, Inc, Presidential
- Lane Construction I85 Widening Phase 3 Cherokee County, Presidential
- Langston Construction Co. of Piedmont, LLC, Presidential
- Mashburn Construction Company, Inc, Presidential
- Monteith Construction Corp, Presidential
- Muter Construction, Presidential
- New Atlantic Contracting Inc, Presidential
- O.C. Mitchell, Jr Inc, Presidential
- Pinnix, Inc, Presidential
- Poettker Construction Company, Presidential
- Romeo Guest Associates, Inc, Presidential
- Skanska USA, Presidential
- State Utility Contractors, Inc, Presidential
- T.A. Loving Company, Presidential
- Trident Construction Company, Inc, Presidential
- Turn-Key Tunneling, Inc, Presidential
- Vannoy Construction, Presidential
- WATCO Corporation, Presidential
- WB Moore Company of Charlotte, Inc, Presidential
- Young & McQueen Grading Company, Inc, Presidential
More about CAGC Safety Awards
Member firms participate in this program because it helps reinforce the importance of safety daily and demonstrates their commitment to safety to their customers. A notice for entry to the awards program is normally sent to all members in January each year. Data is used from the previous year and comes from the company OSHA 300 log. Carolinas AGC congratulates the following firms for their excellent record and commitment to safety.
The 2022 National AGC (NASA) & Carolinas AGC Safety Awards will be open for applications in January 2023.