CAGC Members Raise Over $30,000 in Build Your Career Challenge
The Carolinas Associated General Contractors (CAGC) recently held the Build Your Career Challenge, which began at the CAGC Annual Convention in January.
As members donated money to Build Your Career (BYC), they were able to list their favorite college. If $20,000 was raised during that one campaign, the school with the most votes would be represented by CAGC President and CEO Dave Simpson at the CAGC Summer Summit & Expo. And by ‘represented,’ Dave will actually sport the college cheerleading uniform!
Over $30,000 was raised, and the winning school was Clemson University! So for better or for worse, and thanks to our participating members who so freely donated money to this vital program, measurements are being taken so that Dave can proudly don his Clemson cheerleader’s uniform.
Please register now to attend the CAGC Summer Summit & Expo at the Westin Resort on Jekyll Island, GA, to be a part of this historical event!
Thanks again for all the donations and support of CAGC’s Build Your Career program, and congratulations to the Tiger fans.