CAGC Welcomes Tammy Ford as Build Your Career (BYC) Director, Roddy Craft Retires
Carolinas AGC is pleased to announce that Tammy Ford, an experienced leader in developing highly successful and collaborative partnerships among charitable organizations, participating volunteers, community leaders and local businesses, has been hired as our new Build Your Career Director to help address the workforce shortage within the construction industry in the Carolinas.
Tammy, who began serving in this new role on July 26th, succeeds Roddy Craft, a longtime CAGC staff leader who served as Build Your Career (BYC) Director since leading efforts to get the program up and running in January 2017. He retired from CAGC on July 1st after nearly 30 years of service with CAGC. Tammy has an extensive professional background deeply rooted within the non-profit sector, with over 15 years experience in multi-level corporate fundraising, sponsorship sales, marketing, volunteer coordination and retention, program development, creative graphic design as well as team training and leadership. Before joining the CAGC Team, she also recently held the interim position of VP of Operations at a startup healthcare facility that was solely focused on providing medical treatment and functional rehabilitation services to injured workers and she also, along with the Chief Medical Director, co-created the facility’s job-specific risk ratings and workplace safety program. Her focus will be to work closely with CAGC’s Education Foundation Board of Trustees as well as our CAGC Workforce Ambassador’s Program in taking the BYC program to the next level in drawing talented young people and others into good careers in the construction industry.
“Nothing we face in the construction industry is more challenging than finding good workers at a time when the work is there for thousands of jobs involving great, lifelong careers in construction,” said Dave Simpson, CAGC President & CEO. “Tammy Ford will be well-positioned to ratchet up our workforce development efforts by working closely with the middle schools, high schools, community colleges, CTE instructors, our lobbyists, allied organizations, the military and other good employment pools.”
Tammy lives in Charlotte and is a graduate of Coastal Carolina University and Horry-Georgetown Technical College. For more info, please contact Tammy Ford at tford@carolinasagc.org.