Clemson University’s 4th Annual Design & Construction Industry Symposium Set for October 10 in Greenville
Registration is now open for “The Ever-Changing World of Construction: Today’s Challenges, Tomorrow’s Opportunities,” a regional conference to be held at the Greenville Marriott (South Carolina) on Thursday, October 10, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. GroundBreak Carolinas is pleased once again to be the media partner for this must-attend event — the 4th Annual Construction Industry Symposium offered by Clemson University’s Nieri Family Department of Construction Science and Management (CSM).
Through interactive panel discussions, industry experts in commercial/industrial and residential construction will share market intelligence and perspective to help participants deal with today’s challenges and effectively prepare for anticipated industry trends.
Like the previous three events, Clemson’s 2019 Symposium is expected to bring together a cross-section of more than 200 attendees from across the Carolinas as well as Georgia — facility owners, construction companies, specialty contractors, designers, vendors and other construction industry service providers.
“The format of our annual Construction Industry Symposium is different than most…so much information packed into a single day. Just like in previous years, our speakers and panelists for 2019 are world-class as you can see from our 2019 agenda/program.” said Mike Jackson, Ph.D., P.E., chair and professor, Clemson’s Nieri Family Department of Construction Science and Management.
McGriff Insurance Services is the 2019 Event Sponsor.

How to Register
Click here to Register for the Symposium. Registration closes October 1, 2019.
Registration is $275 per person for Clemson University CSM Corporate Partner companies and $300 per person for non-Corporate Partners. The registration cost includes lunch, break refreshments and workshop materials. Hotel parking is free.
Interested in Being a Sponsor?
Click here for Sponsorship Opportunities.
Questions? Contact Mike Jackson at 864.656.3878 or Leslie Armstrong at 864.656.9588. Follow the Symposium on Facebook.com/ClemsonCSMConstructionSymposium/#