Clemson’s Annual Construction Industry Symposium Promises Information-Packed Agenda on October 11 in Greenville
Clemson University’s 3rd Annual Construction Industry Symposium, a one-day regional conference, is scheduled for Thursday, October 11, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Greenville Marriott (S.C.). Themed, “The Ever-Changing World of Construction: Today’s Challenges, Tomorrow’s Opportunities,” the day will kick off with an economic outlook for the construction industry presented by keynote speaker, Dr. Bruce Yandle, Dean Emeritus, Clemson University College of Business & Behavioral Science.
Conference organizers are projecting an audience of more than 250 construction and design professionals — primarily from the Carolinas and Georgia. Like previous events in 2016 and 2017, Clemson’s 2018 Symposium will bring together a cross-section of attendees — facility owners, construction companies, specialty contractors, designers, vendors and other construction industry service providers.
Attendees are encouraged to register for the Symposium as soon as possible. Registration closes October 2, 2018. The information-packed conference is offered by Clemson University’s Department of Construction Science and Management (CSM).
What’s the Format?
Participants in the one-day Symposium will take away valuable knowledge and perspective from leading industry experts about the critical issues impacting the construction industry today, as well as insight into preparing for anticipated changes in the future.
Through interactive panel discussions, industry experts will share market intelligence and perspective to help participants deal with today’s challenges and effectively prepare for anticipated industry trends.
“The format of this event is unique. So much information packed into a single day. Once again, our speakers and panelists are world-class. This has become an annual venue where academics and practitioners will come together year-after-year to interactively help solve the challenges

Dr. Mike Jackson
that face the ever-changing world of construction in our region,” said Mike Jackson, Ph.D., P.E., chair and professor, Clemson’s Department of Construction Science and Management.
Program-Agenda at a Glance
Morning Preview: Dr. Bruce Yandle will speak about the impact of the economy on our industry in his keynote address, titled “The Economic Situation: The Nation, Region, and the Construction Industry.” Dr. Yandle is Dean Emeritus, Clemson University College of Business & Behavioral Science, and Adjunct Distinguished Fellow, George Mason University. This will be followed by a panel discussion on “Wood Structures/Glulam Basics,” moderated by Dr. Patricia Layton, Professor of Forestry and Director of Clemson’s Wood Utilization + Design Institute.
Afternoon Preview: The afternoon will begin with a panel discussion on “Modularization’s Impact on the Construction Industry.” Next, a panel of experts will discuss, “What is IPD Delivery?” The day will wrap up with “Current Trends and Challenges in the Construction Industry: A Contractor’s and a Designer’s Perspective,” featuring Brian King, President, A M King, and Brad Smith, AIA, Managing Principal, McMillan Pazdan Smith.
Event Sponsor for the 2018 Symposium is McGriff Insurance Services.
Registration is $275 per person for Clemson University CSM Corporate Partner companies and $300 per person for non-Corporate Partners. The registration cost includes lunch, break refreshments and workshop materials. Hotel parking is free.
Questions? Contact Mike Jackson at 864.656.3878 or Deborah Anthony at 864.656.0181. Follow the Symposium on Facebook.com/ClemsonCSMConstructionSymposium/#
View the full program/agenda.
Register for the Symposium. Registration closes October 2, 2018.