Construction App Helps Builders and Contractors Organize Job Site Tasks
Press Release
On a job site, it’s imperative to have organization — or the job will fall short. Imagine having an app on your iPad or mobile device that documents and organizes all of the tasks that need to get done on your job site and connects everyone on your team, including subcontractors, builders, and partners. During a period like now when social distancing and safety have to align with efficiency on the job, this type of app proves to be beneficial.
This is JobwalkAR. JobwalkAR is a construction management app that organizes contractors, construction managers, landscape architects, and workers. The app not only helps streamline your work on-site but also makes it easier to do bids since the site description and images can be delivered with the click of a button to your email or printer!
” JobWalkAR has simplified our work orders. I can walk the job, provide a report to my team and they know exactly what to do. They perform the work, then create an updated report. It’s efficient and easy and I would consider it the new industry standard. “
William Cota, CEO of WC Construction and JobwalkAR VP of Marketing and Sales
Here’s how it works:
– You subscribe to www.jobwalkar.com.
– Tell your team to do the same.
With JobWalkAR your property health report can be printed or accessed anytime from your mobile device. You can also take before and after pics to track job task completion and manage bids. But one of the best benefits of the app is that it cuts the amount of communication time between the field and the office by fifty percent!!
Join us on our mission to help construction industry teams everywhere become more efficient. Download the JobWalkAR app in the app store here.
For more information on the app please visit JobWalkAR.com. You can also stay connected with JobWalkAR on Instagram and LinkedIn.