Culvert Rehabilitation Project Features InfraSteel

The InfraSteel culvert rehabilitation solution is chosen by the Town of Chapel Hill, North Carolina for its Booker Creek Culvert at Elliot Road Rehabilitation Project. The InfraSteel slip-liner will preserve the existing failing bridge structure and avoid a road closure. According to InfraSteel executive Cullom Walker, “Elliot Road is busy and intersects heavily traveled US Hwy 15-501 just a few feet from where the project will be constructed. Slip-lining the culvert with InfraSteel was authorized in order to avoid inconveniencing the public by a road closure. Hydrostructures of Pittsboro engineered the project using InfraSteel 242 because it can be manufactured to match the exact shape of the existing barrels. The slip-liner also maintains hydraulic capacity and increases the stability of the culvert structure.”
Walker adds, “Waff Contracting of Edenton was awarded the contract to install a 180-inch by 105-inch InfraSteel slip-liner to preserve the existing failing bridge structure. The culvert infrastructure is close to failure so InfraSteel’s manufacturing plant started production immediately. The steel liner will be slip-lined into place and the annular space will be grouted. This process will provide a culvert life expectancy of 50 to 100 years. Construction begins this month.”
Millions of culverts in the U.S. have already exceeded their design life. Although the condition of each culvert varies due to its unique location, over time corrugated metal pipe culverts are attacked by abrasion and corrosion until inevitable failure.