Goddeyne Named 2016 South Carolina Young Engineer of the Year

The SC Society of Professional Engineers presented its Young Engineer of the Year award at the 2016 SC Engineering Conference & Trade Show Awards Banquet on Saturday June 25, 2016 to Mr. Shawn N. Goddeyne, PE . Goddyene resides in Simpsonville, SC.
Goddyne graduated in 2006 with a BS in Civil Engineering with a emphasis in structural engineering from Arizona State University. Currently he is an Engineering Manager at Tindall Corporation in Spartanburg, SC. At Tindall you will find him going over budgets with the CFO, providing technical resources to junior engineers, and helping with sales support for engineering related inquiries during contract execution. He also performs gravity and lateral analysis for load distribution and building stability as well as other engineering related duties.
On top of his duties at work, Goddeyne finds the time to not only be an active member of SCSPE b, but also in the American Society of Civil Engineers, The Structural Engineers Association of South Carolina, and the South Carolina Society of Professional Engineers, Piedmont Chapter where he is finished up as Treasurer in June, and is now serving as Vice President. He was also awarded the Piedmont Chapter Young Engineer of the Year.
He’s active at Grace Church in Simpsonville, and assists with special events at the Kelsey Glen Community Home Owners Association. Goddeyne is married to his lovely wife Monique, and they have two children.
“Shawn Goddeyne is a great engineer, citizen and member. He is a valuable professional in the engineering community; He is the kind of member we look for at SCSPE, and exactly what defines the Young Engineer of the Year,” said Adam B. Jones, SCSPE Executive Director. To be eligible for the SCSPE Young Engineer of the Year the recipient must be under 35.