NAWIC-Columbia Installs New Officers and Board for 2018-2019
NAWIC Columbia S.C. Chapter #113 recently installed Officers and Board of Directors (2018-2019) during a candle lighting ceremony.
President: Susan Clary, Mashburn Construction Company
President-Elect: Nichole Kopenhaver, McCrory Construction
Vice President: Sheila Nelson, McCrory Construction
Recording Secretary: Rhae Sutphin, Watts Roofing
Corresponding Secretary: Adair Stevenson, ESP Associates, Inc.
Treasurer: Krystal Young, Carolina Tap & Bore
Immediate Past President: Coral Gresham, Jumper Carter Sease
Board of Directors
Sherita Evans, Southern Commercial Development, LLC
Dana Jacobs, Sign-It-Quick (stand in Susan Jennings)
Kevina McDaniel, Edcon Construction
Melba Cannon, Swann & Associates, Carolina Tap & Bore
NAWIC is an organization that supports women in the construction industry by offering mentoring, educational programs and networking opportunities. The group also awards scholarships for young men and women pursuing degrees in the A/E/C industries as well as other community outreach programs.
Visit NAWIC-Columbia’s website and follow them on Facebook at Columbia NAWIC Chapter #113.