New ASCE Manual of Practice Focuses on Infrastructure Resilience in a Changing Climate
ASCE’s new book, Climate-Resilient Infrastructure: Adaptive Design and Risk Management, MOP 140, provides guidance for and contributes to the developing or enhancing of methods for infrastructure analysis and design in a world in which risk profiles are changing and can be projected with varying degrees of uncertainty requiring a new design philosophy to meet this challenge.
Using probabilistic methods for quantitative risk analysis and framework design, this manual of practice provides observational methods, illustrative examples, and case studies to identify and analyze low-regret, adaptive strategies to make a project more resilient.
MOP 140 will be of interest to engineers, researchers, planners, and other stakeholders charged with adaptive design decisions to achieve infrastructure resilience targets while minimizing life-cycle costs in a changing climate.
To purchase online visit the ASCE Bookstore
Limited review copies are available for book reviews. Please contact Kevin Higgins, khiggins@asce.org; phone 703-295-6266.