CAGC’s Video Series Helps Attract Next-Generation Workers
Carolinas AGC’s (CAGC) Build Your Career (BYC) Program is excited to announce our new construction education video series. This five-part video series teaches students, educators, parents and jobseekers about the limitless rewarding career options within the construction industry. The video series can also be used by contractors or construction employers of any type to assist in their marketing and recruiting initiatives.
The video topics are wide ranging: from describing the different divisions of nonresidential construction, the roles of various workers on a project, opportunities in construction, and career and educational pathways; to providing an overview of the building process from start-to-finish for each of our nonresidential divisions. The videos also showcase earning potential, diversity and inclusion, innovative construction technology and our industry’s high standards of safety. Click here to access the video series on the BYC website.
Want to learn even more? Click here to read the full article, BYC Construction Career Outreach Goes Virtual: Is Your Company Ready?