North Carolina Safety Awards Season in Full Swing
Established more than 70 years ago, the North Carolina Department of Labor’s (NCDOL) Annual Safety Awards program recognizes private and public firms throughout the state that achieve and maintain good safety records. Of the 3,375 safety awards presented in 2016, more than 50 percent of the recipients were directly involved in the construction industry.
The awards are presented each year between March and June. A total of 30 banquets are scheduled to take place across North Carolina in 2017. View schedule. The NCDOL co-sponsors these events with local chambers of commerce and other organizations.
“A safety award shows employees and the community that you are committed to a safe work environment,” Labor Commissioner Cherie Berry said. “A good safety record is something to be proud of, and businesses deserve to be recognized for their efforts.”
The NCDOL Safety Awards program is designed to stimulate interest in accident prevention and to promote safety in the workplace by providing an incentive to employers and employees to maintain a safe and healthful workplace. To qualify for an annual NCDOL safety award, a firm must have no fatalities during the calendar year at the site or location for which the award was given; and have maintained an incidence rate at least 50 percent below the average for its particular industry group. There are two award levels — Gold and Silver.
For more information on the Safety Awards Program or to download an application, go to the NCDOL website . New applications come out each January with a submission deadline of mid-February.
Million-Hour Awards
Million-Hour Awards are another type of award administered by the NCDOL. In 2016, a total of 113 million-hour awards were presented. This award is given to firms which accumulate one million employee hours with no injuries or illnesses involving days away from work. Subsequent awards are given for each additional one million employee hours with no injuries or illnesses. Million-hour awards may be presented to the firm at its place of business at any time, or during the local annual safety awards ceremony. To apply, visit the NCDOL website.