QR Codes Help Construction Firms Verify Credentials
Construction firms that need to verify that workers are doing only jobs they’re trained for have a new solution with Credential Verification Service’s (CVS) new verification wristbands.
Each silicone wristband is stamped with a unique QR code. When the durable wristband is scanned with a smartphone or a tablet, the employee’s updated training records are displayed on the device. CVS provides the same proven training-verification service to employers that use its photo ID cards. Using a badge, however, can be inconvenient or unfeasible at certain worksites.
“On many jobs, it’s not safe to have a lanyard around your neck or a card dangling from your belt,” says CVS president David Finkelstein. “And it can be inconvenient to fish a card out of your wallet.”
A wristband offers a great alternative. A construction supervisor may need to check on employees as they go from job to job. Scanning a wristband makes verification easy and fast.
CVS teamed up with a leading manufacturer of silicone wristbands to offer the groundbreaking product. Wristbands can be customized by color, shape, and size.
Alternatively, CVS can print the QR code on a label that’s affixed to a construction worker’s hardhat.
Wristbands and cards can be ordered at www.credentialverificationservice.com or by contacting CVS at sales@instantcard.net or 888-980-6179 . The service costs $50 per month plus $15 per month per 100 users.
Credential Verification Service is a service of InstantCard (https://instantcard.net), America’s leading 100 percent cloud-based ID card service since 2007.
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