RoadDogJobs Releases the 2024 Craft Workforce Survey Results
RoadDogJobs, the leading online job board and community for the traveling craft workforce, is excited to release the 2024 Craft Workforce Survey. This survey of about 500 industrial construction workers has uncovered new insights into the mindset of today’s craft workforce. The results of the survey challenge conventional wisdom about job satisfaction in a construction career. The survey reveals that craft workers like their jobs and plan to stay in construction for the long term.
The extensive 86-page report covers a wide array of craft workforce topics including earnings, job satisfaction, motivations, and concerns.
Key Highlights from the 2024 Craft Workforce Survey:
- 97% of craft workers said they like the work they do most of the time.
- 91% said they are treated fairly by their supervisor.
- 85% feel like part of the team on their job site.
- Workers said they’d need an average raise of $8.13/hour to leave their current job.
- The top reason workers originally entered construction was higher pay, cited by 43% of respondents.
- 72% rated their supervisor highly with either 4 or 5 stars out of 5.
- 87% feel their supervisor appreciates their work.
- 60% reported earning more now versus a year ago.
- The average hourly pay rate of respondents was $35.73, with 74% considering their current pay fair.
- 65% cited people-related issues as their top frustration on a jobsite.
- When evaluating a new job, pay rate was the top priority for 93% of respondents. Jobsite safety and supervisor treatment were also top considerations.
“The survey results disrupt the belief that a career in construction isn’t rewarding. The responses we got are compelling. They tell us that today’s craft workforce likes the work they get to do and that they want to stay in construction for the long-term.” said Herb Dew, CEO of RoadDogJobs. “The 2024 Craft Workforce Survey provides valuable insights for those looking to get into construction. This is a look behind the curtain at what today’s craft workers think about their day-to-day. The survey can also help companies understand the workforce better so they can attract and retain top craft talent.”
Survey Sections:
The 2024 Craft Workforce Survey is a comprehensive 86-page report divided into four key sections:
- Section 1: Survey Demographics: This section provides an overview of the survey’s respondents, including their gender, years of experience, and trades.
- Section 2: State of the Craft Workforce: Here, the survey delves into why craft workers entered the construction industry, what they enjoy about their jobs, and their long-term career plans.
- Section 3: State of Today’s Jobsites: Focusing on contemporary jobsites, this section examines pay rates, reasons for quitting, workplace frustrations, and worker-supervisor dynamics.
- Section 4: Deep Dive Into the Numbers: The final section provides a granular breakdown of responses, enabling a deeper understanding of how different demographics, including experience levels, gender, and trade, influence answers to survey questions.
The 2024 Craft Workforce Survey is available for download at workforce2024.roaddogjobs.com. For more information about RoadDogJobs please visit https://www.roaddogjobs.com/search.