Safety Milestone Celebrated on Daniel Island Project

Firms working on the Daniel Island Mixed-Use project celebrated a significant safety milestone this week. Choate Construction and its subcontractors celebrated clocking 100,000 man-hours with zero lost time injuries on the Daniel Island Mixed-Use project. Choate’s commitment to worker safety is represented through the OneLife safety identity.
The 597,523-SF site is constantly bustling with multiple subcontractors and laborers each day to bring the multi-level parking deck and mixed-use building space to Daniel Island in Charleston, SC. Over 75 workers enjoyed a catered lunch to celebrate the noteworthy achievement. Each team member received a commemorative t-shirt featuring the proposed name of the site, “Central Island Square,” as well as logos from all partners: owner Faison, architect Studio Fusion, engineer Thomas & Hutton, and general contractor Choate Construction Company and the OneLife safety identity. The drone photo (shown below) captured all of the dedicated team members that afternoon.

Overseeing daily on-site coordination of the project, Superintendent Richard McMahon said, “It is each individual’s job to ensure their own safety to protect their legacy; it is our responsibility to enforce and implement these safety regulations each and every day. The 100,000 man-hours with zero lost time injuries accomplishment is an encouraging safety milestone to the team as construction continues to progress.”
Set to complete Spring 2018, the mixed-use development brings continued growth and a communal gathering space to the master-planned community of Daniel Island.