SC Council of Engineering and Surveying Societies is Requesting Applications for Two Seats on SC State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Surveyors
Governor Nikki Haley has the opportunity to appoint two qualified Professional Engineers to the SC State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors beginning January 1, 2017.
Each engineering and surveying member of the Registration Board must be a citizen of the United States and a resident of South Carolina, must be licensed in this state, must have been engaged in the practice of engineering or surveying in this state for at least twelve (12) years, and must have been in responsible charge of important engineering or surveying work for at least five (5) years. Responsible charge of teaching engineering may be construed as responsible charge of engineering work. The primary responsibility of board members is to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public of South Carolina.
The SC Council of Engineering and Surveying Societies is charged, by law, to make recommendations to the Governor from which she must appoint engineers and surveyors to the Registration Board.
The SC Council of Engineering and Surveying Societies is accepting letters of application from Professional Engineers who meet the state’s minimum requirements that wish to be considered for the Registration Board position.
The deadline for submitting applications with the SC Council of Engineering and Surveying Societies is Saturday, October 15, 2016. Interviews for the two open positions will be conducted on October 25, 2016 in Columbia, SC.
The term for this appointment is for a five-year term which extends through January 1, 2022.
The following information should accompany the letter of interest in the form of a resume: education and collegiate achievements, engineering/surveying achievements, professional and technical society activities, civic and humanitarian activities, continuing competence, professional experience, general personal data, and references.
You may wish to visit the SC State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers & Surveyors website for insight in Board members’ responsibilities: http://www.llr.state.sc.us/POL/Engineers/
Applications with the above information may be submitted by hardcopy or electronically. Applications should be submitted to the SC Council of Engineering and Surveying Societies, c/o Jones, McAden & Associates, P.O. Box 11937, Columbia, SC 29211-1937 or admin@jma-associations.com. Questions call 803-771-4271 .