Southern Engineering Expands Into Raleigh Market Acquiring Experienced Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Services Team
Charlotte-based Southern Engineering and Testing, P.C. has acquired the Geotechnical Engineering and Construction Services Division (GECS) of Raleigh-based Stewart. This acquisition benefits Southern Engineering and Stewart by allowing them to concentrate on core strengths and invest in key areas to accelerate expansion and meet growing market demand throughout the Carolinas.
Southern Engineering and Stewart are independent engineering firms that lead the industry in their respected areas providing best-in-class expertise and service to their extensive combined client base nationwide. This opportunity ensures their ability to deliver industry leading innovation and cutting edge solutions as the Triangle market attracts top tier development investments from across the country.
“The addition of the new and highly experienced Stewart GECS team and their work portfolio supports Southern Engineering’s expansion throughout the Carolinas including our new office in Raleigh that will enable continued success in 2024 and beyond,” said Rick Finnen, P.E., President, Southern Engineering.
Southern Engineering is a trusted expert in geotechnical engineering that provides extensive consulting and testing services including Special Inspections (IBC Chapter 17) leveraging more than 30 years of industry experience. We work with individuals and organizations in the private and public sector including industrial, commercial, multi-family, mixed-use development, healthcare, schools and municipalities. Our expertise covers a broad spectrum of applications allowing us to accommodate clients of all sizes.
“Southern Engineering’s geotechnical focus will provide the geotechnical and construction team previously at Stewart additional resources and the means to grow professionally and personally while expanding Southern Engineering’s capabilities throughout the region,” said Don Brown, P.E., Vice President, Southern Engineering (previously Vice President/Practice Leader, GECS, Stewart).
Stewart has offices throughout the Carolinas and has more than 170 employees in seven locations. With a unique interdisciplinary collaborative approach that results in stronger and more creative design solutions, Stewart serves domestic and international clientele, offering a full range of services, including Civil Engineering, Community Planning, Geomatics, Landscape Architecture, Structural Engineering and Transportation.
“With the rapid expansion of the Triangle and the Carolinas, this rare opportunity will allow Stewart to continue to invest in key areas and advance capabilities to meet client needs while strengthening our position as a leader in engineering, design, and geomatics, setting the stage for the future of our company,” said Willy Stewart, P.E., CEO, Stewart.