Subcontractors Invited to Apply for ASA’s Certificate of Excellence in Ethics
The American Subcontractors Association (ASA)is now accepting applications for its 2017 Certificate of Excellence in Ethics, which certifies that a subcontracting firm has achieved certain qualifications demonstrating its commitment to professionalism and sound business practices.
Information about the ASA Certificate of Excellence in Ethics is located under “Education & Events” on the ASA Web site. Applicants, particularly those who have yet to develop and implement a documented ethics program for their companies, must meet a number of critical milestones before the Dec. 15, 2017, application deadline. ASA provides a timeline to help applicants keep on track. Each applicant is required to respond to questions concerning the firm’s corporate ethics policies and procedures, its construction practices, and its general business practices. Each applicant also is required to submit detailed documentation, including sealed letters of recommendation from a customer, a competitor, and a supplier.
Applicants can learn about the judging criteria and submission requirements online, as well as download the program brochure and application. ASA also provides a resource guide to help firms prepare and submit applications. This guide contains model documents, such as sample recommendation letter requests and model policies on topics ranging from competition and conflicts of interest to internal procedures and whistle blowing. In ASA’s video about the certificate program, ASA-member subcontractors discuss the reasons why they implemented ethics programs for their companies and how ASA’s ethics certificate program has helped them promote ethics within and outside their companies.
ASA will present the 2017 Certificate of Excellence in Ethics during its annual convention, SUBExcel 2018, which will take place Feb. 28-March 3, 2018, in Tempe, Ariz.
Founded in 1966, ASA amplifies the voice of, and leads, trade contractors to improve the business environment for the construction industry and to serve as a steward for the community. The ideals and beliefs of ASA are ethical and equitable business practices, quality construction, a safe and healthy work environment, and integrity and membership diversity.