Submit Editorial
Are you a thought leader on an industry topic? An expert in your field? Share your knowledge and leverage the GroundBreak Carolinas platform by becoming a contributor. GroundBreak Carolinas accepts a limited number of outside contributors.
Contributor Guidelines
Contributed articles should appeal to the GroundBreak Carolinas community and focus on topics related to the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry.
Contributed articles should:
- Be written by an individual, not a marketing or PR department
- Introduce new and interesting ideas or research that advance the industry
- Not include advertising or promotion of you or your company — the goal is to drive conversation and educate the community, in addition to presenting yourself as a thought leader
- Be original and unpublished elsewhere
- Target 400-600 words in length
Contributed articles will:
- Be subject to editing. You may have a chance to look at it prior to publication.
- Promoted on one or more of the following: GroundbreakCarolinas.com, weekly/monthly newsletter(s), and social media feeds
All contributed articles must be exclusive to GroundBreak Carolinas for at least 7 days.
Interested in becoming a contributor or getting involved?
GroundBreak Carolinas reserves the right to grant or withdraw contributor rights and to decide if/when to promote or publish contributed content at its discretion at any time.