The Latest Trends in Metal Wall Panels
Metal wall panels are a critical part of many structures, from roofs to gutter structures to many other options. In addition, they are highly valued by construction professionals for a variety of different traits, including:
Their versatility
Metal wall panels are able to be constructed from a variety of different metals.
Aesthetic appeal
On top of being able to make certain construction components more attractive, there are also decorative wall panels used exclusively for aesthetics.
Their durability
as the metal naturally holds up well against the elements and wear and tear.
Low installation and upkeep costs
These panels are easy to integrate into a project with little added cost.
Being naturally eco-friendly
Regulations and consumer demand alike mean that any sort of eco-friendly addition is instantly desirable.
So, from corrugated metal wall panels to decorative metal wall panels, here are some of the latest trends shaking up the industry.
Photo by Volodymyr_Shtun
Creativity And Popularity
By nature, metal wall panels are getting more popular in building designs. With that said, an equally important part of this trend is the fact that more and more people are learning how to use metal wall panels in different ways. For example, there are different applications not only in terms of the color and textures that one picks but also orientation. This allows architects and designers to flex their creative muscles more with this flexible tool. In addition, we’re starting to see more spillover into the residential area, as opposed to just commercial or industrial structures.
Green Construction
The need for more and more buildings to be eco-friendly is only growing, and metal wall panels fit neatly into this trend. Metal panels are both more eco-friendly to make and maintain compared to some of the alternatives. One of the main ways that these panels help with efficiency is by providing adequate insulation. The added insulation helps keep in heat in the winter and warmth in the summer. This means that the building owner has to use less energy (and money) with their HVAC systems.
Shape Adjustments
Metal, by nature, is easy to manipulate in terms of variations. This opens a lot of options up for architects, including vertical options, horizontal options, or even curved panels. A lot of this is prompted by rainscreen assembly. With the waterproofing part of the building’s envelope already handled, it’s a lot easier for designers to accommodate aesthetic needs. In addition, this also leads to a greater interest in composite or insulated panels, compared to the conventional single-skin options. Along with changes in the shape, we should also briefly mention size. Many professionals working with metal wall panels are noting an interest in the scale and depth of them.
Photo by Sasin Paraksa
New Colors And Appearances
In the past, silver colors were about the only options available for metal wall panels. However, custom color requests are starting to grow a lot more. This, of course, is driven by aesthetics. Designers and general clients want to see unique building envelopes for their structures, which, in turn, mean using multiple profiles and colors on the same structure. The mainstays of silver, white and gray are still being represented, but there’s a growing trend toward faux textures and finishes. In addition, there are industry-specific variations. Corporate buildings may favor logos and brand colors. Schools trend towards brighter colors like red or yellow.
With the integration of graphics, it’s even possible to mimic other surfaces with metal wall panels, such as terra cotta and wood. Some of the less common options are aluminum plate panels for small installations that may be composites but aren’t financially feasible to apply custom colors for. Natural metal requests also exist but are rarer.
New Panel Types
Aesthetics are one thing, but what about the types of metal wall panel systems that are becoming more popular? Modular systems are getting more popular, largely due to the increased options that they offer. For example, insulated systems allow more energy efficiency. Perforated panels are also growing in popularity to allow for increased ventilation and acoustics. With this said, the conventional aluminum and metal composite metals are still going strong. The same applies to single-skin panels. However, the fundamentals still matter. These include:
— Being easy to maintain
— Being water-resistant
— Having a durable finish
— Being able to fabricate quickly and effectively
Joint Conditions
One trend that may be flying under the radar with metal wall panels is joint conditions. There are generally two main joint conditions in the market right now. The first is a wet joint where the sealant fills the area between panels. The second is a dry joint where there isn’t any sealant present. Dry joints are growing in popularity as the industry is trying to improve shape, color, attachment, and aesthetics. However, there is always going to be a place for both types.
Photo by s_oleg
Conclusion – Metal Wall Panels
All of these are important for a company that either offers interior metal wall panels or is thinking about integrating them into their suite of services. With this said, though, how do you determine what the best fit is? Deco metal wall panels may be a trendy option, but if they don’t fit your audience, you may end up losing money on it in the end. The key is staying abreast of the latest trends with metal wall panels and knowing your company finances to see what trends give you the best ROI.
To make this simple, you need a platform that can show you your historical finances, as well as give you an accurate picture of what your current equipment and labor costs are. You can make this happen with project management software like eSUB. Not only do we make it possible to have a full picture of your company finances and operations, but through cloud storage, all of your field and office teams can work from the same information.