Gold Shovel Standard adds North Carolina Representative to Board of Directors
Gold Shovel Standard, a nonprofit association created to provide a first-of-its-kind excavation safety program, today announced that Allen S Gray has joined the Gold Shovel Standard Board of Directors. Mr. Gray currently serves as NC/SC Government Relations, Utility Division Director for Carolinas AGC (CAGC), which is a construction trade association made up of contractors and…
FMI Releases the 2016 Executive Compensation Survey
FMI Corporation, the leading provider of management consulting and investment banking services to engineering and construction, infrastructure and the built environment, is pleased to announce the publication of its 2016 Executive Compensation Survey. The survey includes data from 71 companies representing over 3,400 executive and business unit employees across 64 positions within U.S. engineering and…
Improving Leadership Effectiveness
In a previous issue of The Garrison Report, I discussed effective leadership. Using the following techniques will improve your leadership effectiveness and allow you to deliver a lot more value to your organization. 1. Have a list of people to whom you can delegate certain issues. We all have challenges, opportunities, problems or important tasks that need to be…
Does Your Construction Company Need to Change to Increase Profitability?
The current recession has placed tremendous pressure on the profitability of the construction industry, causing some contractors to even take work at below cost. This situation is easy to blame on the recession, but the underlying problems existed in the construction industry long before the recession. The hypercompetitive nature of the construction industry has existed…