Construction Employment Rises in 45 States
Forty-five states and the District of Columbia added construction jobs between July 2017 and July 2018, while 29 states and D.C. added construction jobs between June and July, according to an analysis by the Associated General Contractors of America of Labor Department data released today. Association officials cautioned that continued job gains may depend on…
Female Role Models in Engineering: Spotlight on the “Fab Four” of Chix Dig It
While the number of female role models in the architecture, engineering and construction is still less than ideal, Chix Dig It-Celebrating Women in Construction exists to empower women in all aspects of the industry. Last month’s Chix Dig It — Celebrating Women in Construction luncheon, which drew nearly 200 attendees from the AEC industry to…
Teens in Upstate S.C. Get Hands-On Introduction to Construction Trades through Benjamin Franklin Experience
CarolinaPower and Brasfield & Gorrie are co-hosting and sponsoring three one-day construction experiences for middle-and-high school age kids this summer in Greenville, S.C. The purpose of these experiential learning events, made possible by the Benjamin Franklin Experience (BFE), is to show highly-motivated teens the dynamism of the industry and the opportunities that await them —…
Clemson University to Host Third Annual Design and Construction Symposium on October 11 in Greenville
GroundBreak Carolinas is pleased to be the media sponsor for the 3rd Annual Construction Industry Symposium offered by Clemson University’s Department of Construction Science and Management (CSM). Registration is now open for “The Ever-Changing World of Construction: Today’s Challenges, Tomorrow’s Opportunities,” a regional conference, to be held at the Greenville Marriott (South Carolina) on Thursday,…
The Value of Vocational Education
Just recently, I attended a graduation awards ceremony for the construction management and technology department of a large university. I had the honor of saying a few words to the students, their family members and faculty, and then introducing the keynote speaker. This ceremony included a dinner, and I was seated at the head table…
Construction Contract Disputes are Getting Longer, More Complex
A new report released by Arcadis reveals that although the value of construction disputes in North America dropped for the fourth consecutive year, the average time taken to resolve these disputes increased in 2017, far exceeding the global average. The report, entitled “Does the construction industry learn from its mistakes?”, provides insight into the causes,…
Overcoming the Winner’s Curse
Winner’s curse is defined as bidding low enough to win, but regretting the results. Winner’s curse assumes the bidder (general contractors in this case) makes below normal or negative profits upon award of the work. This dilemma has plagued the construction industry for generations. I write this article to offer some contributing factors to why…
9 Tips for Construction Business Owners Looking to Optimize Their Business
Every year there are lists of construction business owners making billions of dollars while others go out of business. Running a business is hard, and it’s even harder in an industry like construction. However, many of these top performing construction businesses have a series of tips and tricks they’ve learned to run a business successfully….
Design-Build Now Delivers Nearly Half of all Projects Nationwide
Design-build used to be considered an “alternative” way to build. New research shows it’s now the fastest growing and most popular method delivering construction projects in America. Industry analysts at FMI have completed a comprehensive assessment of the nonresidential, highway/street and water/wastewater design-build construction market. This long-awaited research provides the most comprehensive look at design-build’s…
Carolina Construction Leaders Visit Washington DC
Over 25 leaders from North Carolina and South Carolina construction firms recently visited U.S. Senators and Representatives in Washington, DC. The construction leaders participated in the annual Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) Legislative Conference (LegCon). “Whether you are new or well established in the political arena of lobbying, the Merit Shop Construction Industry relies on our…