Architects Balk at House Tax Reform Proposal
The American Institute of Architects expressed serious concerns about The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (HR-1), the tax reform proposal unveiled today by House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX). “The House Ways & Means Committee proposal, as drafted, will unfairly damage the thousands of small and family-owned businesses that organize as pass-through…
FMI Forecasts Continued Growth in Construction for 2017
FMI Corporation has released its latest construction forecast, the FMI Outlook, in a new streamlined format, designed to improve user experience and access to important data. FMI’s Q3 2017 forecast predicts an increase of 4% for total construction put in place for 2017 and an increase of 5% in 2018. The primary growth segments in…
Its Not the Salesperson Who is Lying…
I’m going to start by saying that this article is not for the faint of heart. We are all customers, and as a customer I feel perfectly justified in my opinions here. Ok, disclaimer over. Mention the word salesperson to anyone you know and what’s the response you get? Typically an eye roll or maybe…
ABC Carolinas Excellence in Construction Awards to Honor the Industry’s Best Projects
The Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) of the Carolinas will honor the “Best Construction Projects in the Carolinas” at its 16th Annual Excellence in Construction (EIC) Awards banquet on November, 16, 2017 at the Hilton Charlotte Center City in Charlotte, N.C. For ABC EIC Award winners, the banquet provides a platform for the entire project team to…
SEUS-Japan 2017 Brings Together Business and Economic Development Leaders
Leaders of leading Japanese companies gathered in Greenville, S.C. this week for the 40th Annual Joint Meeting of the Southeast U.S.-Japan Association (SEUS) and the Japan-U.S. Southeast Association (JUSSA Japan. ) The gathering of global business leaders was held October 21-24 and celebrated longstanding economic and cultural ties, and offered delegates from Japan and seven…
The New Silica Standard: What Owners Need to Know
Silica may not sound like an issue that needs to be addressed by facility owners. But this ubiquitous mineral compound is a major component of the actual bricks and mortar that companies build with, and it has made news lately as a substance being targeted by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Construction companies…
Talent Development Report
FMI Corporation, the leading provider of management consulting and investment banking services to engineering and construction, infrastructure and the built environment, is pleased to announce the release of its 2017 Talent Development report. The publication reveals emerging trends around talent development in the construction industry and paints a mixed picture of how firms are retaining…
Clemson CSM Symposium Addresses Industry Challenges
The second Annual Clemson University Construction Industry Symposium presented by Clemson’s Department of Construction Science and Management (CSM) was held in Greenville, S.C. on October 12th. “The Ever-Changing World of Construction: Today’s Challenges, Tomorrow’s Opportunities” was the theme for the Symposium that drew facility owners, construction companies, specialty contractors, designers, vendors and other construction industry service providers….
Closing Construction’s Skilled Labor Gap with Technology
The face of construction has changed dramatically over the last decade. When the recession hit in 2008, over two million skilled workers – almost forty percent of the workforce – left the industry when they were unable to find work and never returned. Today, the skilled workers who remained are reaching retirement age, and baby…
Bechtel Selected to Help Radioactive Waste Cleanup at South Carolina Site
Bechtel has been selected as part of a joint venture to provide liquid waste services at a U.S. Department of Energy site in South Carolina. The Savannah River Site produced materials for nuclear defense during the Cold War. Bechtel National Inc. is a member of Savannah River EcoManagement, LLC along with BWXT Technical Services Group…