How to Set Operational Efficiency Goals for Your Construction Projects
Construction companies that work towards operational efficiency find ways to deliver goods and services in a cost effective manner without sacrificing quality. Obviously, an operational efficiency goal for all construction projects is to deliver the project on time and within budget. Because the scope of construction projects is so large, there are many ways to…
NTSB Investigation of Bridge Collapse Continues
National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigators remain at the scene of Thursday’s pedestrian bridge collapse on the FIU campus, focusing on measuring and documenting the critical structures at the north end of the bridge. Significant developments in the investigation include: •Investigators secured a contract Tuesday to have a company remove components from the bridge that…
Costly Mistakes to Avoid in the Subcontractor Bidding Process
With more online bidding platforms and bid building tools available, the subcontractor bidding process has never been easier in 2018. However, there are still avoidable and costly mistakes that can frustrate subcontractors. Here are some common and costly mistakes to avoid in the subcontractor bidding process and ways to reduce risks. 1. Inaccurate Measurements, Takeoffs,…
Construction Employment Rises
Thirty-five states and the District of Columbia added construction jobs between January 2017 and January 2018, while 32 states and D.C. added construction jobs between December and January, according to an analysis by the Associated General Contractors of America of Labor Department data released today. Association officials cautioned, however, that newly-imposed tariffs on steel and…
ABC Announces Finalists in Competitions for Top Craft Professional and Instructor
Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) today announced the finalists for its 2018 Craft Professional of the Year and Craft Instructor of the Year awards. Winners of both awards will be announced at the Careers in Construction Awards ceremony March 22 during ABC Convention 2018 in Long Beach, Calif. “It’s quite an achievement to be named…
NAWIC-Carolinas Prepares to Celebrate 2018 WIC Week
NAWIC chapters across the Carolinas have a wide variety of events planned for National Women in Construction (WIC) Week, which runs from March 4-10, 2018. In North Carolina, NAWIC has chapters in Asheville, Charlotte, Durham, Fayettville, Greensboro, Piedmont and Raleigh. In South Carolina, there are NAWIC chapters in Columbia and Greenville. North and South Carolina chapters are…
7 Ways to Detect Construction Fraud
While we would all like to believe the best in people, we, unfortunately, live in a world where we must keep our guard up – especially when we’re hiring people to come into our homes. Construction fraud is becoming a growing trend and is something that people must look out for when hiring contractors. Fraud…
The Top Issues Facing Construction in 2018
Several industry surveys and reports forecast continued growth in the construction industry. Albeit, the growth shows a modest 4.8% increase, different from the double-digit growth in previous years. Regardless, there is still a general sense of optimism. With continued growth and positive outlook in the construction industry, what can possible be keeping construction executives up…
Construction Wages: Who Makes the Most and Where?
People often think of the construction industry as a single, monolithic entity of laborers in yellow hard hats, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. The industry consists of a large number of firms, most of which are small and operate locally, and it spans numerous different occupations, from sheet metal workers to building…
Minority Construction Business Owners to See Increase in Opportunities as Local Trade Organizations Work Together
The Hispanic Contractors Association of the Carolinas (HCAC) announced today that they have entered in a partnership with the United Minority Contractors of North Carolina (UMCNC), with the purpose of establishing a reciprocal membership agreement between the two organizations. Members of the each organization will now have access and receive member benefits of both organizations….