TransCore to Deploy Infinity Digital Lane System along Two of North Carolina’s Newest Corridors
The North Carolina Turnpike Authority (NCTA) has selected TransCore to design, build, and maintain advanced roadside toll collection systems for the new Monroe Expressway and U.S. 74 Express Lanes, both of which are expected to open in 2018. The introduction of express lanes in the area represents a growing national trend to reduce traffic congestion by providing motorists an option to pay for access to designated lanes during peak travel times. TransCore developed the first dynamically-priced express lanes in 1998 in San Diego and has since deployed the majority of all express lanes in the U.S.
The Monroe Expressway, currently under construction, extends nearly 20 miles from U.S. 74 near I-485 in Mecklenburg County to U.S. 74 between the towns of Wingate and Marshville in Union County. TransCore will deploy All-Electronic Tolling along the expressway that will enable free-flowing travel on the new corridor.
The U.S. 74 Express Lanes project will convert bus lanes in the Charlotte area into reversible, high-occupancy, dynamically-priced express lanes that will provide increased capacity to motorists during peak travel times. The U.S. 74 Express Lanes will feature roadside dynamic message signs to inform motorists of variable toll rates based on the current level of congestion.
Both facilities will be equipped with TransCore’s Infinity∞ Digital Lane System™, which will consist of automatic vehicle identification, vehicle classification, and video capture and recognition systems that can automatically process transactions in high-volume traffic with the highest degrees of accuracy in the industry.
“Since its inception in 2002, the North Carolina Turnpike Authority has taken a strategic, innovative approach to solving challenges associated with rapid growth and resulting congestion,” said Whitt Hall, senior vice president of Tolling, TransCore. “We are honored that the Authority has placed its trust in our systems and our people, and are excited to develop the state’s most advanced express lane system.”
A leader in the transportation industry, TransCore provides innovative, technical solutions and engineering services for applications encompassing next generation Open Road Tolling and Traffic Management Systems. The company operates award-winning tolling customer service centers for departments of transportation throughout the U.S. and internationally. A pioneer in Radio Frequency Identification systems used in the transportation industry, TransCore secures access for airports, hospitals, parking garages, border patrols, trucking fleets and the rail industry.
TransCore is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Roper Technologies, a diversified technology company in the S&P 500, Fortune 1000 and Russell 1000 indices.