Viewpoint: Vote Against the PRO Act
Big labor is pushing the Protecting the Right to Organize Act, which aims to boost the number of dues-paying union members at the expense of workers, entrepreneurs and small and local businesses. Scheduled for a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives Thursday, this legislation would hamper the South Carolina construction industry’s ability to grow, which employs more than 104,000 people, and discriminates against the 97% of South Carolina construction workers who choose not to join a union. Further, in a recent poll conducted by GS Strategy Group, 63% of informed South Carolina likely voters oppose this bill.
The PRO Act would also strip away workers’ free choice in union elections and privacy rights by forcing employers to share their employees’ personal information—including home addresses, shift schedules and personal contact information— with unions. More importantly, it places a wedge between the strong relationship between employer and employee that is so vital to any successful business.
This radical legislation attempts to implement Obama-era policies that have been rejected by Congress and the courts, and will jeopardize workers’ privacy, constitutional rights and freedoms if passed. Please contact your Congressmen and tell them to support construction jobs and vote against H.R. 2474.
ABC has provided a template for your use at https://www.votervoice.net/iframes/ABC/Campaigns/70659/Respond .
Allen Amsler, President & CEO, McCrory Construction, is on the Board of Directors for ABC Carolinas.