Watson Electrical Construction Announces Winners of 2018 Apprentice Contest
The 24th annual Watson Electrical Construction Company’s Apprentice Contest for 2018 was a great success with 17 apprentices competing for cash and prizes. This year’s winners were: First Place, Wesley Sartain (Raleigh, N.C.); Second Place, Tim Amerson (Wilson/Rocky Mount, N.C.); Third Place, James Delauney (Virginia Beach, Va.); Fourth Place, Jon McMillian (Wilmington, N.C.); Fifth Place, Joseph Hensley (Raleigh, N.C.). The Safety Award winner was Jon McMillian (Wilmington).
All of the contestants are enrolled in the Watson Electrical Apprentices program and come from across the 11 Watson Electrical locations in the Carolinas and Virginia. The contest included a written test of knowledge, a safety Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) inspection, and taking a project from a blueprint to its completion.
The top N.C. apprentices were eligible to compete this fall in the annual skills contest sponsored by the N.C. Community College System – ApprenticeshipNC at the North Carolina State Fair.
Watson Electrical thanked the following companies for making the apprenticeship contest possible: SHEALY/Border States, Mayer, Womack, Capital Electric, Klein Tools, CED, and Ideal for providing material for contestants to use during the contest, and merchandise for the top-five winners’ prize packages and the apprentice contestant appreciation gifts. HVAC equipment and generator equipment was donated/provided by Herc ProSolutions
The Watson Electrical’s Apprenticeship Program is a four-year program operating under Standards of Apprenticeship registered with North Carolina, Virginia and the U.S. Departments of Labor. To learn more about Watson’s apprentice program, visit the Watson Electrical Construction website at www.watsonelec.com or call Eric Emde, Human Resources Recruiter at 252.237.7511.