Women Construction Professionals Support Greenville Tech Students in Welding Program and Architectural Engineering
Members of the Women Construction Forum (WCF), a group comprising female industry professionals in residential and commercial construction in the Upstate region of South Carolina, recently made a $600 donation to the Greenville Technical College (GTC) Welding department. The donation was intended to provide welding gear for one of their 12 female students.
“Having female instructors who have been in the shoes of these students, we demonstrate to all students that welding is a viable career choice for everyone, regardless of gender. Our female enrollment has increased by 10 percent this year, with both day-time and night-time classes reaching capacity. We actively promote diversity in our program and are thrilled to see more women pursuing non-traditional paths,” stated Casey Ross, Academic Program Director (Welding Dept.) at Greenville Technical College.
Rachel Veltri and Angela Gardner, founders of WCF, make a point to visit the welding school to meet with female welding students. For example, WCF has been hosting lunch and learn sessions at Greenville Technical College to encourage women and assure them of support in the trades. At WCF’s Christmas Party in December 2023, the forum awarded a $500.00 scholarship to a Greenville Technical College student in the Architectural Engineering Technology Program (in addition to the $600.00 donation to the Welding program).
“While there are hundreds of thousands of women across the U.S. employed in the construction industry, the reality is that less than three percent of them will find a career home in the trades,” said WCF co-founder Angela Gardner, Director of Business Development and Marketing for Hill Electric. “That’s why it’s crucial to find ways to support women entering the trades.”
About Women’s Construction Forum
The Women Construction Forum is an organization that provides education, experience, and personal connections for women in fields surrounding both residential and commercial construction, including contractors, architects, project managers, business owners, and many more. Founded in 2019 in Upstate South Carolina, the forum meets monthly to “help build up women and their voices in the construction arena by empowering, engaging, and mentoring women entering the industry.” Learn more about the Women Construction Forum by contacting Rachel Veltri, Owner of Neves Construction, at Rachel.veltri@gmail.com .