Why You Should Consider Builder’s Risk Insurance
Construction is a risky business, which is why builder’s risk insurance can help your business. Unforeseeable forces, like fire or other natural disasters, can destroy or damage new construction. They can also push back the timeline causing financial harm to owners and subcontractors. What is Builder’s Risk Insurance Builder’s risk insurance is a type of…
Construction Defect Limitations Periods and the Duration of Your Risk in the Carolinas
Contractors often understandably assume that the end of a contractual warranty period marks the end of their potential liability on a project. Unfortunately, while a warranty can effectively limit obligations to make certain repairs, liability for defective construction does not end with the warranty. Instead, the duration of risk is primarily determined by two types…
Sentinel Set to Grow with Columbia, SC Office Opening
Sentinel Risk Advisors announced this week it will expand its brand of elite risk management offerings with the opening of its first South Carolina office. The Raleigh-based firm is the Carolinas’ premier, independently owned risk and insurance brokerage. The firm opened offices in Charlotte and Winston-Salem in 2017. The expansion into South Carolina further substantiates…
Sentinel’s Jim Holmes Named Among Top 100 NC Business Leaders
Sentinel is proud to announce that the firm’s founder and managing partner, Jim Holmes, has been named one of North Carolina’s most influential business leaders. Holmes joins an impressive list of heavy hitters on Business North Carolina magazine’s Power 100, a compilation of the state’s storied, prominent and emerging leaders in the corporate and nonprofit arena. The…
Sentinel Welcomes Harrison Barnes to Charlotte Development Team
Sentinel Risk Advisors is proud to announce a notable addition with the hiring of J. Harrison Barnes. Barnes, who for many years headed up BB&T’s development efforts in Columbia, South Carolina, will help lead Sentinel’s Charlotte expansion. Barnes’ illustrious career has been spent keeping an impressive client roster, including Fortune 500 companies, free from loss, protected by good policy, and positioned…