New ULI Research, Scorched: Extreme Heat and Real Estate, Explores Impact of Rising Temperatures and Excessive Heat Waves on Urban Development
The impact that rising temperatures and excessive heat waves are having on urban development, and strategies to mitigate urban heat island effects are explored in a new report, Scorched: Extreme Heat and Real Estate, published by the Urban Land Institute (ULI). ULI is a global real estate organization with more than 44,000 members dedicated to responsible…
13 Interview Questions to Ask Construction Project Managers
Job interviews can be stressful for both the company and potential new hire. Hiring managers must make the right choice of who to hire given the types of projects they usually do and the team. Here is a list of interview questions to ask construction project managers. General Interview Questions to Ask Construction Project Managers…
Business Facilities Ranks North Carolina #1 for Economic Growth Potential
North Carolina is the top-ranked state for economic growth potential in Business Facilities magazine’s 15th Annual Rankings Report. North Carolina, Colorado and Virginia topped the chart in Business Facilities’ annual growth potential ranking. Jack Rogers, editor in chief, noted that all three states have established highly diversified growth strategies and staked a claim to leadership in high-tech hubs. “Our leaders…
CAGC’s Build Your Career (BYC) Partners with REEMERGE Employment Placement Program for Formerly Incarcerated
On Wednesday, July 17, 2019, Carolinas AGC (CAGC) Foundation’s Build Your Career (BYC) Initiative co-hosted a “Re-Entry Career Fair” in Columbia, S.C. with the REEMERGE prison reintegration program. This event was strategically designed to assist formerly incarcerated individuals find gainful employment with local employers to facilitate a successful “life beyond the fence” transition for these…
Addressing the Workforce Skills Gap in Construction and CRE-related Trades
A shortage of construction and logistics workers has increased the cost of construction for developers and hampered the expansion and profitability of warehouse and distribution centers. The NAIOP Research Foundation commissioned this report to explore some of the contributing factors to the workforce shortage and how the construction and logistics industries can improve worker recruitment,…
The U.S. Green Building Council Advances the Future of LEED
The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) recently announced a call for proposals to solicit feedback and concepts for the next version of LEED. USGBC created the LEED green building program 20 years ago to measure and define green building and to provide a roadmap for developing sustainable buildings. LEED is updated through a continuous improvement process and with each new…
Construction Summer Camp at Durham Tech a Great Learning Experience for 10 High Schoolers
Carolinas AGC (CAGC) was pleased to support the second summer Construction Careers Camp held recently in Durham, N.C. in partnership with Durham Technical Community College and the North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS). Campers represented seven different schools across Durham and Orange counties. Currently, women make up less than 10% of the jobs in construction and African Americans represent an…
An Adaptive Reuse Solution in Today’s Overbuilt Environment
At first glance, the 72,000-square-foot precast concrete shell warehouse wasn’t impressive. At second glance, it became more evident just how much work would be involved in its renovation. The building wasn’t new, but it was unfinished with a stripped-down appearance and air of abandonment. It didn’t have windows or doors, but there were rough cut-outs…
The Tradition Continues: Chix Dig It Luncheon Celebrates Women in Construction
The Fourth Annual Chix Dig It — Celebrating Women in Construction luncheon, presented by title sponsor SAS, was held on June 20, 2019, at Prestonwood Country Club in Cary, N.C. This much anticipated event drew over 200 attendees – a combination of women and men representing a wide variety of organizations with ties to the architecture, engineering…
New Era of Data Use Emerging in Construction
Contractors report increasing ability to gather and analyze data helps improve project outcomes like budget, productivity and profitability A new report released today by Dodge Data & Analytics, in collaboration with construction management software provider Viewpoint, a Trimble company, reveals a sea change in the way project data is gathered and analyzed across the construction industry—change that…